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Pune, India

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The Business Owner's Plan for a Successful Exit:

Masterclass with Sunil Nikhar

Are you considering selling your business but unsure where to start? This exclusive Masterclass with Sunil Nikhar will equip you with the knowledge and strategies you need to achieve a smooth and profitable exit.

Benefits of Attending

Learn the Secrets of a Successful Exit

Uncover the key factors that make a business attractive to buyers and discover how to maximize your sale price.

Develop a Winning Exit Strategy

Gain practical insights into exit planning and create a roadmap for preparing your business for sale on your terms.

Navigate the Sale Process with Confidence

Understand the different stages of the business sales process and gain insights into negotiation strategies.

Ask the Expert

Q&A session with Sunil Nikhar provides an opportunity to get your specific questions answered.


Our team, lead by Sunil Nikhar, has the expertise, experience, and dedication to help you achieve your most profitable transaction. Get to know us better below

Sunil Nikhar is an accomplished entrepreneur and business leader with a remarkable track record in building and exiting successful companies. He has served as CEO of companies acquired by NASDAQ-listed firms and led successful M&A transactions. Sunil is also an active investor and mentor, passionate about empowering business owners to achieve their exit goals.

Leveaging his personal experience buying and selling his two  companies, his past career as a Founder/CEO and as an Active Investor and M&A expert, Sunil offers advice and consulting as a sell-side M&A advisor on preparing for the most important transaction of your life, your company sale. In his role as an advisor, he has been responsible for:

  • Providing multiple offers for our clients
  • Improving enterprise valuation of our client companies by over 30%
  • Increasing existing offers (signed LOIs) by 25%-50%
  • A 90% or better close rate on all transactions he managed
  • Created the Exit-Ready Program which offers a comprehensive strategy and plan for founders to enhance their understanding of the M&A process and value maximization factors which impact the valuation of their companies ,

Sunil likes to write short stories apart from his professional endeavours. He loves outdoors and treks through the forests in india and Africa. Next in line.. getting ready for EBC! ( Everest base Camp) 

Mr. Sunil Nikhar

Exclusive Masterclass

Who Should Attend?

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Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best! Register Now to Secure Your Spot in the Masterclass

About Us

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Statistics & Overview

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Why Choose Us Section

Benefits of Working With Us

Unmatched Expertise:

We have a proven track record of helping businesses achieve
optimal sale prices.

We have a proven track record of helping businesses achieve
optimal sale prices.

Seamless Process

We guide you through each step, ensuring a stress-free and
efficient transaction.

We guide you through each step, ensuring a stress-free and
efficient transaction.

Maximum Value:

We leave no stone unturned in maximizing your return on investment.


We leave no stone unturned in maximizing your return on investment.

Confidentiality Guaranteed:

We treat your business information with the utmost


We treat your business information with the utmost

Dedicated Support:

You'll have a dedicated team by your side throughout the entire

You'll have a dedicated team by your side throughout the entire

Contact with Us

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